Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Three weeks of work and it is done

So i know that it has been a while since i have posted but i have been working on the same picture and it is finally done!

I was drawing this picture with pencil and what i put down in 2 weeks time wasnt barely enough to distinguish from the page so i went and ask for help and i was told to use charcol.

I took that suggestion and i covered what was in pencil with charcol and added in more detail it turned out amazing!!! here are the pictures

 this is when i first put the charcol down over my picture scary huh!!!
this is with some smoothing out

i added some white tones for the highlights

i erased the curl pattern in the hair out and darkened some areas to make the hair pop

this is the finish product and original picture

detail of the hair and my right eye


  1. very good taji. i miss our artistic times. i should model for you.

  2. i know right what a good time we had with my artistic side and your willingness to go with me to do really fun stuff....
